
Participation and Growth

One of the key elements of participatory Bible study is that everyone participates in the study, and everybody participates in living that study. The approach is intended to draw more people into action in your church or community and to help them continue to learn new things.


Too much Christian education is a repetitive process of looking at the same scriptures and topics in the same way over and over. Participation in study drives knowledge. Knowledge should drive participation in new ways. And active participation in the church should motivate members to learn more so that they can contribute more effectively.

This is why we have advanced volumes as well as beginning volumes in the series, and why we recommend various levels of materials for group participation. For example, the Lost in Translation series or Edward W. H. Vick’s Eschatology: A Participatory Study Guide are both designed for more advanced students. But those books teach things of great value to the church.

Idea for Application

Consider involving spiritual/intellectual generations in your study group. By this I mean people who have been studying the Bible for years along with people who are just beginning, as well as people who have been active in various church activities such as prayer groups, visitation, and Sunday School along with people who have never found the right place to serve.

This will help newer people grow, and will also help more advanced students learn to express what they know clearly in the context of a discussion.

Aim for 100% participation!

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