The Lost in Translation Imprint
One of my strong recommendations for Bible students is that you study scripture with more than one guide. Different approaches to study can yield better understanding. One study series, the Lost in Translation imprint, can help you get a deeper understanding of scripture, including both a strong element of spiritual application and help in relating what you study to your theology, your understanding of God.
This study series will connect with the Participatory Study Series on several points. In particular, this imprint complements the PSS in (reference numbers/letters connect with the PSS outline):
- Item 1c, resources. While there are many lists of resources, including in each of the Participatory Study Series volumes and on this website, there are both references and an excellent appendix on word studies in each of these volumes.
- Item 2c, sanctifying grace for the actions. The Lost in Translation books are strong on recommending actions and bringing the text of the Word into a student’s life.
- Item 5a, Meditation. How do you listen for the Spirit in the text?
- Item 5c, comparison. In particular, these books help with a theological and biblical context for the topic of study, as each study goes through the broader message of scripture.
There are many other points of contact, but those listed are critical.
For 20% off on all books in the Lost in Translation series, and on many other books related to Bible study, go to Energion Direct (Deep Bible Study). Use coupon code DEEPBIBLESTUDY at checkout. The coupon code applies to any books listed on that page.
The Power of Obedience
The Power of Obedience goes to the heart of why we study Scripture in the first place. We can express our purpose in many ways, but for a believer, a closer walk with God expresses the purpose in a single phrase. What does obedience look like in the life of a believer? How can obedience help me understand scripture better?
The Power of Obedience will provide you with the means to answer these questions in your own life, and a context of service throughout scripture that will help you understand particular passages or books.
The Power of Hope
‘… so that you may know what is the hope to which he calls you, how rich and glorious is the share he offers you …” (Ephesians 1:18 REB)
The Power of Hope gives you a tour of scripture with a focus on hope. Especially in hard times, hope is very important to the believer, from our hope in God’s salvation to our hope for final redemption.
This book will guide you through this theme that will help you see the hope in God’s plan throughout scripture.
My Dwelling Place
My Dwelling Place can fill a special and important role in participatory Bible study. As Christians, we center our Bible study in the person of Jesus, Immanuel, God with us. As we look at a variety of books, from Exodus and Leviticus in the Hebrew scriptures to Hebrews and Revelation in the New Testament, we are called to place our study in the context of that presence.
My Dwelling Place will provide you with that context and enlighten your study of those and many other books.
The Power of My Spirit
Participatory Bible Study invites you to participate in the life of the Faith-Filled Body throughout time and space. The breath in this body is the Holy Spirit.
The Power of My Spirit will help you understand the power of the Spirit and the many ways in which you can encounter the Spirit in study and in active ministry.