On Inerrancy and Reliability
Elgin Hushbeck, Jr, author of Evidence for the Bible (3rd Edition), discusses the word inerrancy and the reliability of the Bible.
Elgin Hushbeck, Jr, author of Evidence for the Bible (3rd Edition), discusses the word inerrancy and the reliability of the Bible.
I recently added Understanding the Bible – With and Without Inerrancy to the Energion Publications YouTube channel, and I believe this can be helpful to people in their Bible study. I am the interviewer for this video, and am talking with two very good friends, Alden Thompson, who was my undergraduate advisor, and Elgin Hushbeck,…
One critical activity for the Christian Bible student is studying and respecting the Old Testament while studying their own faith. In this interview snippet, Dr. TK Dunn talks about the connections. It’s based on his book, “Take and Eat”: A Biblical Theology.
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